Monday, October 5, 2020

Look Out There’s A Monster Coming

Hide, Hide – The Cow’s Outside*

October 5, 2020

If you are anywhere near Washington, DC you might want to shelter in place. A mass murderer has been released into the public at large. Donald Chrump has been discharged from the Walter Reed Medical Center and is now free to roam about the country. With any luck, he will fall flat on his unmasked face and be dragged back into isolation. Chrump does not care who he kills. He is an equal opportunity serial killer, though he is much more likely to kill his own supporters since they are the ones most likely to spend any time within COVID distance of this brainless bag of hate and death.

To Mock A Killing Bird

IMPEACHED president Shit-for-brains now thinks he knows everything about the virus he nurtured into a massive cloud of mortality. This dumbest of fucks said, “I learned that by really going to school. This is the real school. This isn’t the let’s read the book school, and I get it, and I understand it, and it’s a very interesting thing and I’m going to be letting you know about it.”

Yeah, he will let us know about it right after he shows us his taxes, his amazing health care plan and Mexico paying for his non-existent wall. Are we having fun yet?

Is this the steroid induced psychosis talking or 
just Chrump’s usual brand of psychosis?

So far, what Chrump is letting us know, is that his very, very damaged brain absorbs information about as well as a salad fork. He thinks because he still has a pulse and has maintained what passes for his usual level of mental acumen, that the virus is no big deal. Yeah, no big deal when you have a literal army of doctors at your beck and call, even though you don’t respect them in the least, and ignore everything they tell you. That and the fact that you can barely breathe and may still be at risk for further COVID symptoms. Does the phrase, “Go fuck yourself” ring a bell?

The murderous Chrump, who knew that lying to the American public would result in many deaths is telling people not to let the virus control their lives. What about their deaths? Any American who votes for this walking crime against humanity deserves the deadly hellscape that another four years under Chrump will surely bring. The rest of us - the vast majority of Americans - will unfortunately have to suffer along with these racist morons who likely will not even notice what the hell is going on because they are too enraptured by their Reality-TV-star-in-chief. They will just be happy to see Chrump make America white again.

Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band – Look Out There’s A Monster Coming

*Actually it's some guy that looks like a cow in a badly fitting suit calling himself the president.

I. Mangrey. Period.                                                                                                                   


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