Thursday, October 22, 2020

Never Underestimate The Power Of Stupid

The Future Is Closer Than You Think; You Can Smell It From Here

October 22, 2020

“Stop treating Donald Trump as if he’s an actual president of the United States. He is not. He’s playing one on TV.”
        Former RNC chairman Michael Steele’s advice to Democrats

Donald Chrump is always and only talking about himself, even when he sounds like he is debasing someone else or accusing them of various perfidies. Also, he is certain that everyone else is as greedy, corrupt and stupid as he is. Mostly, he is projecting his own massive flaws onto everyone else, but he might not be far off when it comes to his Republican’t enablers and rabid supporters.

It becomes clearer with each passing day that Donald Chrump is 51 cards short of a full deck. He is up the proverbial creek with a paddle, but no boat. And, one look at him will tell you this oddly-colored turd won’t float. Every single one of his screws is either loose or somewhere in his digestive tract…along with most of his marbles.

When he is not foaming at the brain over his Sisyphus-like struggles with dishwashers, showers, toilets and hairspray, or struggling to rein in his dentures, or desperately trying to breathe through his Adderall-eroded nasal passages, he is literally lying people to death by ignoring experts on pandemic response and thereby murdering tens of thousands of Americans. And all of this was prior to contracting his beloved coronavirus and getting hopped up on steroids.

And talk about killing one’s own people, Il Douche, is vying for top honors with the likes of Mao and Stalin. At least those two had a purpose. Chrump has been responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 Americans purely out of stupidity, malignant narcissism and unequaled apathy for the lives of anyone who is not Donald Chrump, Sr.

While we’re on the subject of brutal dictators, Chrump is now publicly calling for his lap dog Bill Barr to arrest Joe Biden for unstated reasons. Chrump is bellowing that Biden is a criminal; he is of course talking about himself. Chrump accuses journalists who are not reporting on the imagined crimes of Biden criminals; he is as always talking about himself.

Now we are supposed to show decency, empathy and simple human kindness as we wait to see how Chrump and the virus he has nurtured into murderous froth, manage to work out their issues. On the heels of the death of Herman Cain – who was a pandemic denier, telling people not to wear masks – someone used the analogy of an active shooter in an elementary school suddenly being taken out by a good guy with a gun. Should we feel sorry for the loss of the child killer’s life? No, we should not; we should simply be grateful that he was stopped before he killed anyone else. Chrump needs to be put out of our misery.

This is where we are with Chrump. He knew full well early on that the coronavirus coming into America from Europe (not China) was deadly and airborne. Despite knowing this, he lied to the American public, and continues to do so, and is by most accounts directly responsible for the deaths of more than 100,000 Americans. He needs to pay for his crimes one way or another.

Yet millions of people are going to, for a second time, vote for this failing, murderous, racist, fascist fruit bat. 

Trump ad Parody from Real Time with Bill Maher

So now, if after three years of living under a Chrump regime you still find yourself even considering casting your vote for this incompetent disaster, you really have to ask yourself whether you continue to support him for his flagrant racism or because of his rabid fascism or because you, like Donald Chrump are mentally challenged, if not incapacitated. Either that or some kind of sadistic sociopath.

I know we haven’t even made it to November 3, 2020 and the most important election since at least 1860. Obviously, things are so fucked up at this moment that no one wants even one more wafer-thin mint of challenging news, but it might be worth taking a moment to look ahead. If only to stop thinking about current events for a minute.

Only 1476 Days Until The Next Next Presidential Election

No matter what happens this November, Republican’ts will have to field a new gaggle of goofballs to run for president in 2024. Unless of course, Chrump gets a second term and those who do not leave the country, simply throw up their hands and countless meals, and cease caring, which allows Chrump to remain in office until he or Vladimir Putin dies.

Sources are reporting that two of the top ten choices for the top of the Republican’t 2024 ticket are daddy’s main squeeze Ivanka and treacherous cretin Don, Jr.

Just what America needs, another racist, fascist fuckwit from the poison Chrump tree

Or daddy’s little bean whore

Daddy Chrump couldn’t have been happier unless, 
instead of beans, it was Ivanka sprawled across his desk

The Republican’t braintrust are not without some modicum of imagination though. They are not only looking at “people” named Chrump to carry their eroding mantle. Some are saying that Fux News’ racist upper class twit T*&ker Carlson is also on the shit short list.

There are no doubt a number of other Republican’t dim bulbs preparing to throw their hats into the 2024 ring. With any luck they will forget to remove their empty heads first. Everyone’s least favorite senator – with the glaring exception of Moscow Mitch – Ted Cruz, friend of slavery Tom Cotton, Medicare fraudster/Florida Senator Rick Scott and white supremacist/upper class twit/Fux News Liar T*&ker Carlson are all preparing their 2024 presidential runs – a veritable Who's Who of WTF. This shit-list will leave many longing for the pathetic clown car of Republican’t primaries of yesteryear.

Yes, there are only 12 more cheating days until the election, but rest assured, the Cheater-in-chief and his Republican’t minions will continue cheating even after Election Day.

I. Mangrey, T. Doff and Al Moseded reporting. 

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