Friday, November 6, 2020

Philly Special

No Way To Delay That Counting Coming Every Day

November 6, 2020

Many people are saying that the writing is on the wall. Someone in a bulletproof hazmat suit should tell IMPEACHED president Chrump that he is well on his way to being fitted with a jumpsuit that matches his artificial skin tone. It seems clear, in the early morning of day four of the counting and reporting of the votes, that Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States. And it will likely be the mail-in ballots from Philadelphia that put him over the 270 Electoral College vote threshold. There will be kicking. There will be screaming. A great gnashing of lawyers. There will be fraudulent claims of fraudulent votes. And the tweets. IN ALL CAPS. For days and days. Devastated Donald screaming at the top of his lies. It will all go for naught. The corpulent soprano is warming up her grandiose voice and will be regaling us with song in a few hours.

Philadelphia says, “You’re welcome America.”

Chrumpublican talking heads are entreating their minions to descend on Philly and show how mad they are. Mad about what exactly? Mad that votes (which they have decided, based on the demented voices in their heads and absolutely nothing else) continue to be counted. As Stephanie Farr wrote in the Philadelphia Inquirer, “Philadelphians quickly took to social media to school the fear-mongering commenters on why this would be a very bad idea, since they’ve obviously never met anyone from Philly.”

The original Philly Special

I wish this race had come down to the wire, but the wire was about 72 hours ago. Many a pundit said that it would all come down to Pennsylvania. I don’t know why they said that, but it turned out the only reason this turned out to be true, is the fact that Pennsylvania law provides (for what I can only imagine is a bad reason) for counting mail-in ballots not to start until election night at the earliest; some did not start counting until the next morning. I guess this is why they are called counties.

First midnight of election week

Joe Biden says he wants to unite the country. This is no time for hunting unicorns. It has not been clearer for 150 years that there are in fact TWO Americas. But this time is nothing like last time. This is not about something as easily solved as the issue of slavery and racism. Many people are saying all of that was fixed with very little trouble and very completely long ago.

Today we have one America that is rooted in a relatively objective reality. There is a Second (Amendment) America that exists in some other, dare I say, alternative, sur-reality. There is absolutely no common ground with these tens-of-millions of people with whom we share physical space.

Chrump promises a piece-ful transfer of power

At the end you will see how Chrump is likely to leave the White House
(either this or a tranquilizer dart)

For example, this brain-damaged yahoo came out with one of the most reality-bashing statements anyone could ever imagine coming from someone not currently in a padded room wearing a frock with sleeves that wrap around the body in order to be buckled in the back. As we have come to expect from this deranged cretin, the statement was injected into the public domain via Twitter and this poor soul is lord and master of Second America…

Playing the claim game (in red is the Twitter warning of “misleading” content)

Another of these alternative beings called in to CSPSAN the other day and said, “There’s been no racial problems until Obama took over.” There are countless examples like this. So many insane conspiracy theories, so little functioning gray matter. You cannot reason with people like this. They cherish their ignorance and psychoses above all else. Something else has to happen to cause them to remove their heads from their asses. I’m not saying this to be rude. I'm saying this because if it is not literally true, then it is figuratively so, and I cannot disprove the former. Either way, there is something dreadfully wrong with these people and they need serious help. I’m just not sure how or if they can reprogram themselves.

This country will have to try and move on adjacent to these freaks, not with them. If too much effort is exerted in trying to play nice with them, nothing will get done. And let us not forget the pure, unadulterated, unfathomable evil about to be perpetrated by Mitch McConnell and his one vote majority in the badly decomposed body that, under his purple thumb, is the current United States Senate.

Well, not really, but a desperately needed first step;
stand back and stand by folks

I. Mangrey and I’m watching and I’m waiting, and I’m hoping for the best.

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