Tuesday, November 24, 2020

President Of The Flies

Turd Immunity

November 24, 2020

Chrump’s four-year treason tantrum is fading to black, even as Donald of White attempts to disqualify the votes of black people everywhere. What this country really needs is a premature evacuation. There is absolutely no need for Chrump to waste his precious time sitting around the White House trying desperately to get his coup up. Ain’t gonna happen big guy.

One brilliant Chrump enabler Sen. Mike Braun (R-Pence Country) said, “When you look at how close the election was, basically a tie vote in the popular vote if you take out the margin of difference in California.” Makes sense, ignore the most populace state in the union, one of the largest economies on the planet. Just pretend it’s not there, sort of like Mike Braun’s brain, which is actually not there.

Lard of the Flies

President of The Flies and as yet unpardoned turkey, Chrump has not tried to ignore entire states, just major cities in swing states he lost. With large black populations, who voted in massive numbers, and for some reason seem to have voted by a huge majority for Joe Biden. I guess they figured out what the hell they had to lose.

Sick and Sicker

To be fair, and we here at Paying Attention always strive to be fair, if not particularly balanced, there was one actual incident of voter fraud. A dead person voting. One of the most egregious accusations being made by Runny Giulliani and Chrump’s legal F Team. That dead person voting was flagged by authorities and arrested in the critical battleground state of Pennsylvania – the town of Forty Fort to be exact – the first incident in 30 years. Robert Lynn filled out a ballot in the name of his deceased mother. Lynn is a registered Republican’t and I’ll give you one guess who he – well, his dead mother – voted for.

Another Pennsylvania Chrump supporter decided voting for President of the Flies just once was not enough. Police in Chester County, PA filed criminal charges against Ralph Holloway Thurman for allegedly attempting to vote as another person – his own son, a registered Democrat – before being discovered by an alert poll worker who recognized Thurman who had already voted 45 minutes earlier.

The cyber voting expert who reported that “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.” This, in no small part as a result of Chrump’s continued collusion with Russia, with whom he teamed up to steal the 2016 election.

Chrump hard at work planning his next move

As the rest of the G-20 leaders were holding a pandemic preparedness virtual meeting IMPEACHED Fake, Lame Duck president Donald COVID was, as usual, at one of his golf courses, spending our money, watching us (figuratively speaking) die and

 While America burns, Chrump can’t decide whether to focus on his fiddling or his putts

Pundits keep saying that history will judge Chrump harshly. As if all the insane, racist and treasonous crap we have had to endure from Chrump since Russia elected him, he has not put in a minute of work since losing his re-election bid to Joe Biden. So, fuck history. I’m not inclined to wait for history to make up its damned mind. I’m too old for that shit. I say the time to judge Chrump harshly is right now. Step on the accelerator. There’s no time to lose. Shout it from the rooftops. Go tell it on the mountain. Write your congressperson. Take out a full-page ad. Rent a billboard. Judge Judy his ass. Oh, and most important of all – lock him up…after a brutal series of indictments, trials and sentences, of course.

Redact the motherfucker

I. Mangrey recovering. My motto: To protest and serve.

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