Saturday, November 14, 2020

Punk's A Tawny Pill

I Like Presidents Who Didn’t Lose The Popular Vote

November 15, 2020

Despite one of the most decisive drubbings in presidential election history outside of Putin’s Russia, Kim Jong Un’s North Korea or Idi Amin’s Uganda, Donald Chrump remains in a state of denial that makes his normal state of denial look like the epitome of mental health. When Chrump won by the same Electoral College margin in 2016, he described it as an “Electoral College landslide.” Losing that same election by almost 2,800,000 popular votes, Chrump cried foul. This, from the leader of the party that survives as a viable entity solely on its ability to cheat, rig and steal elections. This time Chrump lost the popular vote by more than 5,500,000.

Two days ago (seven days after Biden was declared the presumptive president-elect), Chrump emerged from his hole for the first time since everyone but him realized that Joe Biden would be the 46th president beginning at noon on January 20, 2021. Chrump croaked about the apparent impending release of a coronavirus vaccine, continued to pretend that no one knows who will win the election he unquestionably lost so bigly (after almost accidentally admitting a new administration is coming in), saw his giant shadow and crawled back into his hole, assuring there would be another 68 days of a Chrump administration. God have mercy on our souls.

Chrump in the Rose Garden Melania killed, bragging about vaccine, ignoring election loss

Chump has been whining for five years that any election not resulting in a landslide victory in his favor is rigged. This of course is the exact opposite of reality, as we learned all too well on the evening of November 8, 2016. According to a group of government and industry officials who coordinate election cybersecurity, “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.”

For Chrump, The Presidency Is About Hard(ly) Work(ing)

Not only should Chrump admit that he lost the election, he should leave office right now. He has already checked out as far as doing his job – not that he ever put much effort into it. Not only won’t Chrump allow President-elect Joe Biden access to daily intelligence briefings, Chrump won’t look at them himself. Chrump’s last scheduled President Daily Briefing was October 2. There’s a common phrase used by pundits and politicos, “We have one president at a time.” Right now, America has exactly zero presidents which, given the options between now and 12:00 noon on January 20, 2021, is one of the most comforting things to happen since Chrump descended his golden escalator in 2015.

Who can forget this stunning moment in American misery

Some close to IMPEACHED president Chrump say he will ultimately admit that he lost because the election was rigged, which is the same thing he said about the 2016 election that he won by losing the popular vote. Chrump will end up being the COVID-19 virus of presidents – not everyone dies from it, but ultimately, many survivors are left with myriad permanent life-altering deficits.

In 1962, six years before being elected to the presidency, inveterate liar Richard Nixon may not have known he was lying when he said, “You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference.” Unfortunately, we are likely to continue to have Donald Chrump to kick around some more.

It is exceedingly likely that Chrump will not leave us the fuck alone, with the possible exception of him getting the Jeffrey Epstein treatment in prison. Otherwise, chances are – and I hate to use the word in this particular context – good that Brain-Damaged Don will be running for president in 2024 and we will once again be required to see and hear him, as well as all the angst, fear, loathing and projectile vomiting commensurate with that.

Foul of a feather: Epstein and Chrump

I hope the media will not continue to obsess over Chrump once he is removed from office. Given the fact that he is the most dishonest president in history, no one should care what he has to say once we are rid of him. The media, who Chrump called “the enemy of the people” (not unlike Nixon), should mercilessly and relentlessly shun him.  He should be treated like a soiled diaper. Throw it away, to be relegated to a landfill where it may still end up being instrumental in our demise, but more slowly and out of sight. You know, like global climate crisis.

I. Mangrey reconstituting.

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