Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Fucked Up Bullshit For The Day


February 22, 2023

First, The Badass Cool Part…

The Pro-Russia caucus in the Ratpublican party jumped to Vladimir Putin’s defense as American President Joe Biden made a surprise visit to the active war zone that is the Ukraine capital Kyiv to show solidarity with Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Dark Brandon not only showed up in war-torn Ukraine, with air raid sirens blaring as he strolled through the streets alongside Zelenskyy, but Amtrak Joe took a fucking super-secret 10-hour train ride from Poland to get there.

Now For The Fucked Up Bullshit…

Meanwhile, one of the most high-profile, low-IQ knuckle-draggers in Congress – Marjorie Taylor Greene, or Empty G, as she is unpopularly known – on no less than Presidents Day (which should revert back to a celebration of Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays now that the 45th man to hold that office has tainted the presidency permanently), called for so-called red states to secede from the Union:

“We need a national divorce. We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government. Everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s [sic] traitorous America Last policies, we are done.”

It appears that Empty G has forgotten that she lives in and represents constituents in the state of Georgia, which she presumably believes is a red state. Now I’m not a member of Congress, but I am a member of the American electorate, and unlike Empty G I am a member of the human race, and I remember that way back in 2020 the state of Georgia voted for Joe Biden to become president. Georgia also has two Democratic senators. Marge doesn’t even have two viable brain cells to rub together.

Which begs the question, apparently, what makes a state red? And what makes Empty G open the hole in her face that allows air and stupid to escape the cavity between her ears? Someone call the Gazpacho Police before it’s too late.

Empty G – trying desperately to prove her world-class ignorance

Empty G – Killing America One IQ Point At A Time

If memory serves, I seem to recall secession was tried once before. If I remember correctly, it was over states’ whites or something like that. I think the whole thing has since been removed from history books – at least in Florida and Texas – because it triggered fragile white folks who want to cancel culture. Anyway, it would probably be a bad idea to try it again, even if it would not be over slavery this time.

Maybe we should do a kind of dry run consisting of making sure that no money from blue states ever ends up in the hands of red states for a few years just to see how things might play out. I mean who could blame them for wanting to ditch the blue states? Blue states can’t keep up when it comes to unwanted pregnancies, per capita murders, poverty, lousy education and racism.

If the red states even survive more than a few months without blue states propping them up, then they can decide if they still want to go it alone. Or maybe they’ll just want to get Empty G and her pals to STFU. They can go and start their own country for stupid white people…somewhere.

Sorry, but this needed to be said. And I could not stop myself from saying it.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fucked Up Bullshit For The Day.

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