Thursday, January 23, 2025


If It Quacks Like A Nazi, And Salutes Like A Nazi (Twice)...

January 23, 2025

Many people are saying that because of this image fElon Murk is either a Nazi or an idiot. How unimaginative. This guy bought the 2024 election for his fellow billionaire Don Trump. Not only does fElon have more money than everyone else in the world combined, but he is the only man to own his own president, lock, stock and bullshit.

So, all this either-Nazi-or-idiot stuff is absurd. He has all the money, why can’t he be best…I mean, both.

For some reason the ADL, long-time defenders of the under-defended and was founded to combat anti-Semitism, decided to weigh in on the side of giving fElon the benefit of the doubt. Bad move. If they or anyone else needs more proof of Murk’s intentions, take a gander at this

One can only hope fElon doesn't go off his Ketamine, or take too much and accidentally, or purposely upload new software to all his Teslas that causes them all to explode at once because Don and his petro-buddies want to put an end to EVs and pay fElon more money he doesn't need to do it. 

You know, it's going to get worse before it gets much worse.

I. Mangrey reporting. 

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