Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Fraught For The Day – Emperor Got Clothes…Nothing Else

News Flash: Emperor Got Clothes

January 28, 2025

It is time to admit that the emperor does in fact have clothes. They don’t actually fit, but they are apparently his, since all his clothes are similarly ill-fitting.

What the emperor does not have are brains, empathy, human emotions, common sense, business sense (other than recognizing that there are millions of suckers just waiting for the next excuse to send him what’s left of their hard-earned dollars, which are barely enough to live off of thanks to the lack of a living wage for so many, which in turn is thanks to the policies of the emperor’s political party), or the ability to stop breaking laws.

As an aside, a friend asked me the other day, “Do you know how long it took Hitler to seize complete control over Germany’s democracy?” I said I thought it was pretty fast, but did not know for sure. He replied, “Once he became chancellor, it took 52 days.”

For the record, in case you are one of the many who are attempting to tune out all the insanity and tsunami of fascism wafting over this country of ours, today is day eight and our little fascist is going for the record.

Freak out…

I mean, Peace Out.

No I don’t.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fraught For The Day. We’re in some deep shit.

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