News Flash: Emperor Got Clothes
Wannbe-King Don (not to be confused with Don King, especially during Black History Month) has been in office again for two long years now...wait, I'm being told that is two weeks. Weeks, not years. Well, you could have fooled me. I’ll blame it on the Rent-A-Coma. As we have barely survived these two years...I mean weeks, it is time to admit that the emperor does in fact have clothes. They don’t actually fit, and his tie goes down past his tiny...hands, but they are apparently his, since all his clothes are similarly ill-fitting.
Okay, so he does have clothes. BFD. What
the emperor does not have are brains, empathy, human emotions, common sense,
business sense (other than recognizing that there are millions of suckers just
waiting for the next excuse to send him what’s left of their hard-earned
dollars, which are barely enough to live off of thanks to the lack of a living
wage for so many, thanks in turn to the policies of the emperor’s political party), or
the ability to stop breaking laws.
It would be so much better if he had any of those things, and no fucking clothes. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we would all compliment him bigly on his very strong and powerful wardrobe.
mean, Peace Out.
This has been your Paying Attention™ Fraught
For The Day. We’re in some deep Don-Don.
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