Thursday, January 24, 2019

Chrump’s SOTU Still a STFU

Don’t Ask, Don’t Yell

January 24, 2019
Chrump’s perpetual tantrum level has been turned up to 11 since Nancy Pelosi has disinvited the Orange Gas Cloud from delivering his Fake State of the Union address in front of both Houses of Congress.  Chrump decided he would ignore his disinvitation, and signed a letter written by someone else, which insisted he would be showing up anyway.  Speaker of the House Pelosi reiterated her position, that Chrump would not be welcome in the House chamber unless and until the shutdown, which Chrump created and is so proud of, is over.
Chrump whined to the press he regularly vilifies, “We just found out that she’s cancelled it.  I think that’s a great blotch on the incredible country that we all love.  It’s a great, great horrible mark. I don’t believe it’s ever happened before and it’s always good to be part of history but this is a very negative part of history.”  As always, practically every word out Chrump’s mouth – particularly, “great blotch on the incredible country”, “great, great horrible mark” and “a very negative part of history” – all refer to Chrump himself.  All the other words that preceded the previous quote were either moronic, overt lies, or more concrete evidence that he has not the tiniest clue what is in the Constitution.
SOTU/STFU: Enough already.
More On The Moron
Cliff Sims is a former employee/victim of the Chrump administration.  Sims paints a nauseating, though not the least bit surprising portrait of the Disaster-in-chief in his upcoming exposé.  Apparently, Chrump is at times irate, paranoid and petty.  What is shocking to me is the appearance of the phrase “at times” to characterize the irateness, paranoia and pettiness of The Don.  Der Furor was even rude to his own personal Speaker of the Louse, Paul Ryan.  Imagine that.  Sims relates a story of Ryan standing in the Oval Office trying to explain the Republican healthcare plan to Chrump.  This is, of course, as worthwhile an endeavor as describing quantum physics to a wombat.
Ryan fancies himself a master of economics and other governmentesque numbers, as well as a policy maven.  You might recall that the Republican’t dreamboat was Willard Romney’s running mate in 2012.  According to Sims, while Ryan was talking, Chrump wandered around, staring out windows and at walls, sipping his Diet Coke and, one assumes, wondering how his “hair” was holding up.  President Adderall eventually wandered out of the Oval and into his private dining room, where he decided to spend some quality time with the TV, presumably hoping Fux News would tell him what he supposed to do.  Mike Pence had to chase after Don Revolt-y, the Man of Dementia and attempt to get him back on task.  

Don Revolt-y, The Man of Dementia and Sancho Pence-a – tilting at wind-walls

One assumes Pence lured his quarry with promise of one of those wonderful left-over hamberders Chrump fed to the national champion Clemson football team – in lieu of actual food – when the team visited the White House.
There were not 1000 berders; they probably were not all gone. 
Chrump however, is clearly all gone.
I. Mangrey reporting.

1 comment:

  1. Wonder if any of those great eaters will be drafted.
    Into Drumph's army as we invade Valenzuela. Or Venezuela. How bout both?!
