Saturday, August 3, 2019

Run, Don(‘t) Run

Always Go With Your Strengths

August 4, 2019
I try to wake up every morning and…well, wake up.  Thus far, I have accomplished this seemingly simple task every single day – sometimes, more than once.  Once that has been accomplished, I try to treat each day as a fresh start, a brand-new day unencumbered by what has come before.  It’ all very Zen.  So, this morning, after determining that I was in fact alive, I learned that a mental invalid named Donald Chrump is president of the United States.  Apparently, he is planning to run for re-election.  As a white nationalist.
Now with more racism
Chrump has essentially jettisoned all pretense of caring about other issues in favor of a platform that is almost exclusively racism and white nationalism.  Not all Chrump supporters are racists, but all racists are Chrump supporters, with the possible exception of those who think he is not racist enough.  Chrump, as we all know, began his political career by showing off his racist bona fides.  First was his obsession with Barack Obama’s birth certificate.  Chrump rode this racist, lie-soaked unicorn for quite a while, and has never actually disavowed, nor apologized for this disgraceful episode.
When Chrump decided to launch his reality TV White House run, he ran with the race card, this time setting his slights on Mexicans.  First was his escalator-adjacent Mexicans-are-rapists-and-murderers rant, then his attack on a Mexican-American judge, which even the ass-kissing muscle-head Paul Ryan called the “textbook definition of a racist comment.” 
Not one to rest on his laurels, preferring instead to lounge on his haunches, Chrump branched out.  He wanted to show he had enough hate for everyone.  Next came his Muslim ban, his modified Muslim ban and his new-improved, more clandestine Muslim ban.  Then he expanded his repertoire with his “shithole countries” phase.
So much winning, so many best people

Chrump has since made every effort to prove that his flaming racism is not something he takes lightly.  He told four African-American Congresswomen, three of whom were born in the USA, to go back where they came from.  Soon after, Chrump basked in the white-hot-white glow of his deplorable minions chanting “Send her back” for 13 seconds.  The next day he said he was against their chant and tried to stop them by remaining silent and tapping his foot almost in rhythm, the day after that he said, “Those are incredible people, those are incredible patriots.”
Chrump’s latest salvo was directed at Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD).  Chrump went after Cummings who had the audacity to speak out against the horrendous conditions in the border camps.
More ramblings from a weak, little man with brain spurs
It is possible to say derogatory things about a person of color without it being about race…unless you are an unrepentant racist.  Then you do not get any benefit of any doubt.  Then you get called a racist.  Dude, calling a black lawmaker (who won his popular vote) “racist” because he angrily denounced your racist internment/torture camps at the border you still have not built your fucking wall, is probably not the best look, but as I am fond of saying, “Always go with your strengths.”  Chrump seems intent on proving that he can win re-election with zero percent of the black vote. 
And don’t get me started on his misogyny.
I. Mangrey reporting.  I knew the job was dangerous when I took it.

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