Saturday, August 24, 2019

Thought For The Day

The Broken One

August 24, 2019

Chrump continues his death spiral trade war with China.  The war he was apparently born to wage.  He said he was “the chosen one.”  He told us trade wars were easy to win.  Yes I know, Chrump also told us he was a “very stable genius.”  And then, that he was “an extremely stable genius.”  He also assured us that he was “the least racist person in the world.”  You cannot take him at his word.  Or his “hair.”  In fact, if you are anything like me, you cannot take him.  Period.
“I am the chosen one and I hereby order you to evaporate.”
Chrump knows, in whatever way it can be said that our single-celled president knows something, that he is responsible for the current burgeoning economic melt-down.  This only bothers him because it might hinder his re-election bid.  Despite this existential threat to his precipitously inflated ego, Chrump is not the least bit interested in, and in any event wholly incapable of fixing the problem.  Instead, his talent – again, such as it is – lies in convincing the easily convinced that everything is whatever he says it is.  Chrump knows how to work the ‘con’ in convincing.

“Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading
is not what's happening.”
Donald J. Trump, July 24, 2018

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?


  1. I'm thinking I gotta get a new country.Albania, maybe?

    1. Maybe we could go in together and buy it. How much you got on you?
