Thursday, August 1, 2019

Fatal Distraction

Running Scarred

August 1, 2019
The racist, criminal, sexual assault aficionado and enemy of the State Donald Chrump ran for president as a joke, and to boost his fragile, insatiable, and badly warped ego.  He has achieved maximum exposure; he cannot be avoided without the utmost vigilance.  Me?  I admit to being less than vigilant in trying to avoid exposure.  I have not even attempted to protect myself with scum-screen, and probably have close to third-degree Chrump-burn.  I am hoping not to get Chrump cancer, but I just cannot seem to quit.
I. Mangrey settling in for the nightly news
Chrump should have been careful what he wished for.  When you run for the highest office, even if you think it is only entertainment, you might set off alarms in law enforcement.  Chrump’s highest of high-profile existence has caused some to dig into his consistently disreputable past and scrutinize his sordid present, placing his undoubtedly criminal future in considerable jeopardy. 
The joke is now on us, and though most of us are not laughing, Chrump must run for another term; he cannot just walk away.  For one thing, his malignant narcissism will not allow him to relinquish the spotlight.  Perhaps more important, he is running for re-election in order to outlast various statutes of limitations and stay out of jail.  The only thing he actually likes about playing president is being on TV all the time, though once he is dragged out of the White House, I have no doubt he will not STFU for a single second.  He clearly hates democracy as much as he loves himself.
On Second Thought…
Nancy Pelosi and many others are worried that if Chrump is impeached in the House and the Senate lets him off the hook, that Chrump will claim victory and jeopardize any chance of defeating him on November 3, 2020.  This is a foolish assumption.  For one thing, there is no proof that this political calculus is accurate in general.  More important, there is absolutely nothing that will result in anything other than Donald Chrump claiming victory. 
“I was totally exonerated!  Everyone knows it.  Totally exonerated!”
In any event, as I sit here sweating and typing, 49 percent of the Democratic House Caucus the supports impeachment of Donald Chrump.  Yes, he is begging for it, but no Nancy, it will not help his re-election chances.
When Chrump loses in 2020, by a historic margin in the popular vote, and convincingly in the Electoral College, he will claim the election is rigged.  He will scream that he won, he will claim his uber patriotism demands he stay in office, and hopefully will not then be appointed by the Supreme Court.  They did it once folks.
I. Mangrey reporting.  I knew the job was dangerous when I took it.

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