Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Deplorable is As Deplorable Does

November 23, 2016
First, the Dean of Deplorable
So wouldn’t November 9th have been the time for Chrump to unveil his super secret incredible plan to stop-ISIS-very-quickly-and-so-easily to our military, once he became Electoral-College-president-elect? He’s been screaming about it for almost two years, keeping us in suspense until he was president. So let’s have it Fuckface von Clownstick.

A bit of Jon Stewart
He knows more than the generals. He told us so many times. Shouldn’t he have immediately shown his patriotism to help the country he loves so much defeat these radical terrorists? Or is he too busy appealing to Amerika’s own radical terrorists – who have been committing hate crimes in his name at an alarming rate? Or is he too busy introducing his children to world leaders to enhance the family business? Or is he too busy tweeting about Alec Baldwin and the cast of what he dubbed the “highly overrated” Broadway smash Hamilton not respecting him enough? Or perhaps he has not yet accepted the result of the horribly rigged election?
The Court Jesters of Deplorable
The Republican’t establishment jumped right on the Chrump Train after attempting disembowel him early and often during the primaries and the presidential campaign. One by one they have come to pay tribute to their new overlout. Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Nikki Haley have all kissed his gold ring…or his whatever. Chris Christie is still sniffing around hoping for table scraps.
Corporate media similarly went right to work helping Amerikans speed up their memory loss. Give him a chance, what could go wrong? They say. He seems very presidential now. Let’s not focus on the 18 months (years really) of non-stop childish bloviating and tweeting, spouting insane conspiracy theories, racism, misogyny, and inciting violence. He’s going to pivot now for sure. Chrump’s mouthpieces Corey Lewandowski at CNN and Mark Halperin at MSNBC left their “commentator jobs” as soon as their real boss secured the reins of power.
The heads of most major television media outlets and many of their top on-air talking heads were summoned to meet Hair Leader at his Golden Tower – privately and off-the-record – presumably to learn their place in the new regime. I’m sure it’s a good thing that the media is meeting privately and off-the-record with our soon-to-be Conflict-of-Interest-in-chief, who refused to disclose his taxes and is already enhancing his family business on the back of his Electoral College victory. The Chrump spent the first 20 minutes berating the way he has been covered in the press so far. We do not know for sure if he actually hit them on the nose with a rolled up New York Times. No word on what happened next. There were no reports of them leaving the tower. Speaking of the New York Times, Chrump cancelled the planned meeting with the Times the following day, according to Electoral-College-president-elect Twitterbell, “when the terms and conditions of the meeting were changed at the last moment. Not nice.” Oddly enough the Times said they had not changed the arrangements for the meeting; it was in fact…wait for it… Chrump’s team who tried to change the ground rules of the meeting at the last minute. The Times was unaware the meeting had been canceled until Chrump’s lying tweet was posted on Twitter. After he had gotten the day’s lying out of the way he changed his “mind” and put the meeting back on his schedule. I think it is going very well so far. How about you?

The Duke of Deplorable

Stephen Bannon head of Breitbart News said, "we are the platform giving voice to the alt-right." He says he just wanted this underserved demographic to be able to hear reporting that they can’t hear anywhere else. That sounds noble on its face. Here’s the rub. The reason no one else is circulating much of Breitbart’s content is that if it’s not racist, homophobic, misogynistic or anti-Semitic, it is conspiracy theories and straight up delusional nonsense. Breitbart is the journalism equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater. The First Amendment does not cover either hate speech or yelling fire in a crowded theater. The truly frightening thing is that so many Americans have no understanding of or respect for the First, while being obsessed with the last little bit of the Second, and have no interest whatsoever with anything that follows.
According to the New York Times Breitbart News “…recently accused President Obama of “importing more hating Muslims” and compared Planned Parenthood’s work to the Holocaust” (which most of their readers either deny happened or think didn’t go far enough) and “called Bill Kristol, the conservative commentator, a “renegade Jew”, and advised female victims of online harassment to “just log off” and stop “screwing up the internet for men.” Other than that they are probably very nice folks and I hear they have a great fascism, I mean fashion section.
Running a website to enable and mainstream white nationalist, racist philosophy does not a patriot make. Neither do statements like this from Bannon in a recent interview:
“Like [Andrew] Jackson’s populism, we’re going to build an entirely new political movement.”
Yes, Andrew Jackson – great Amerikan genocider
“I am Thomas Cromwell in the court of the Tudors,” the article concludes with Bannon saying, comparing himself to Henry VIII’s chief minister and a prime driver of the English Reformation.
Spoiler alert: Cromwell ended up charged with treason and heresy,
with his head displayed on a spike on London Bridge.
“Darkness is good. Dick Cheney, Darth Vader, Satan. That’s power. It only helps us when they [the media and the left]…get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”
I still haven’t quite figured this one out.
Glen Beck calls Bannon “a terrifying man.” Bannon considers himself to be brilliant. The martyr meets the narcissist. How bad could it possibly be? Reporter Michael Wolff says Bannon is Chrump’s “brain”. Now where have we heard that one before? I seem to remember another president who lost the popular vote who had to hire someone to be his brain.
I. Mangrey reporting. Hanging on by a threat.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

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