Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Death Be Not Loud

November 9, 2016; 9:07 AM ET
"We have nothing polite to say right now."
A top advisor to Bernie Sanders to CNN’s Jeff Zeleny
“Let me help you out Bernie…F*#k this c#*ksucking
fascist motherf*@king hatemonger, please.”
Ed Venture, Editor Paying Attention
Well, shit just got real. And it got real shitty. Real fast. Good-bye satire. Good-bye hyperbole. Hello good-bye.
Emphasis on ‘disintegrating’
I hope you can make sense this. I’m barely conscious, I continue to have only one eye open and somehow I’m still seeing double, and I can’t feel my brain or my fingers so I’m not exactly sure what’s appearing in front of me, or by extension - you. I have only a mild level of confidence that words and/or sentences are happening, but I can’t be absolutely sure yet. My teeth are throbbing and my hair hurts. For some reason my forehead is massively black and blue. I do believe I’ll be able to manage solid foods and possibly even keep some of it down by the end of the week and the doctors are hopeful I will be able to dress myself some time in December. After that the plan is to ease me back into “society” little by little until I prove myself capable of being in the presence of random Amerikans without harming myself or others. I know that one day this will all be possible again. I believe I am redeemable. The only good news is now I can stop trying to convince myself that Hillary Clinton was an acceptable candidate…an acceptable whatever. But none of that matters at the moment. My most important decision right now is whether or not to inhale.
I. Mangrey in The Morning
I’m pretty sure I saw thousands of white supremacists dancing in the streets last night…or maybe it was on the internets, or perhaps I just heard many people saying it. Either way I am confident that the shock of this soul-crushing anguish will wear off by the time Chrump runs for his third term in 2024. After that I’m sure what’s left of Amerika will dust herself off, regain her composure and elect Barney…or Ted Nugent. It can’t get any worse. Right?

P*%$#@&$t Barney Chrump I
Bernie Sanders was right about many things, particularly helping more people get a college education. The most important reason Bernie is right about helping people get a college education is that Chrump won biggest among non-college educated white males and also did very well with non-college educated white women. A while back Chrump presciently said, “I love the poorly educated.” Now we know why. They elected him. Literally. After 240 years we can have some understanding of why the founding fathers believed only the educated should be counted on to select our leaders. Of course they remain spectacularly wrong about the white male part. This is what happens when under-educated white folks revolt. And trust me, they are revolting. What part of the draft-dodging, tax-cheating, pussy-grabbing bigoted-neo-fascist-woman-hating-conman-moron narcissistic oaf did you people not get?  Oh right, there was that email thing.
Chrump To Amerika!
And now it’s springtime for Chrump and Amerika. Winter for liberals and thought. Springtime for Chrump in Amerika, now morons go into your dance.
Here comes the rapid acceleration of climate change. The deniers are running the asylum. Stop and Frisk will soon seem like the advent of the Miranda ruling. Get ready for lots more Giuliani, Gingrich, Palin, Conway, Hannity and the Chrump spawn. Oh, and Mike Fucking Pence.
Get ready for Breitbart/Chrump TV as the new Amerikan Pravda. The deplorables have come out of the woodwork and are now out of the basket in which Clinton had hoped to keep them. If you are white be very thankful and please fix up your attics for your less fortunate neighbors and friends.
The good news is we’ll all be dead much sooner as the planet bursts into flames once Hair Chrump puts the kibosh on the Paris climate agreement. I strongly urge you to tell the generations following you to avoid procreation at all costs. Spend your love on those already here, you do not want to leave any more progeny than necessary to deal with the rapidly approaching metaphorical meteor.
Stay Tuned for Updates to the Declaration of Independence 

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with a polluted gasbag that they just elected because their very small brains are gummed up to the point of being paralyzed by high fructose corn syrup…yadda, yadda, yadda. 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all white men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator – who hast most evidently abandoned them to the whims of a vicious fornicating autocrat – with certain once-unalienable Rights, that among these were Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. These shall surely be jeopardized at first and jettisoned shortly thereafter in favor of whatever mindless, anti-democratic drivel that finds its way in and out of this asshole’s head. 

Much more to come.

I’m actually looking forward to being able to feel enough to start sobbing hysterically.

I. Mangrey reporting. Crawling on fumes.
Mad in USA

Many people are saying this is a bad thing...



  1. I always remember 'life out of balance' and I'm a chaos fan. (both Maxwell Smart and, well, chaotic systems.)
    2 years of total control. Let's see if they fix things. Just keep remembering :life starts at home.
