Sunday, November 13, 2016

Read It and Weep

president-Elect Clusterfuck
November 12, 2016
“Ours was not a campaign, but an incredible and great movement.”
president–Elect Chrump, November 9, 2016
Donald Chrump all but promised mayhem if he lost the 2016 election. He said he would have to think about accepting the result…unless he won. He got fewer votes than his opponent, but he won. God bless Amerika. And he accepted his fate gracefully (for a few minutes at least). Unfortunately, Chrump is the messiah for a basket of sore winners. Who would have thought that immediately after the most racist, fascist, hateful candidate in modern Amerikan history – under the auspices of the Alt-Right – got elected president, many of his followers would start harassing and threatening all the people their candidate harassed and threatened throughout the campaign. Swastikas are showing up, threats of lynching black students at an Ivy League college – and that’s just in Pennsylvania. The KKK is planning a Chrump victory march in North Carolina. President-Elect Clusterfuck is silent. If you are expecting a slew of apologies for all the damage he has already done, in order to begin healing the nation Chrump stabbed in the throat, then you will be on the New Enemies List. I wonder if it will be in alphabetical order. If you are expecting presidential oratory, explaining how we are one nation and must put aside our petty fascism, racism and death wishes for people who are African American or Hispanic or Muslim or Jewish or LGBTQ or pro-choice or liberal, and come together to – oh I don’t know maybe something like ‘make Amerika great again’ is a phrase I’ve heard bandied about of late – don’t hold your breath. I was sure all the virulent hatred Chrump exposed, embodied and exacerbated would simply go away once the Nazify Main Street candidate got elected. At least he picked the most rabidly anti-gay, anti-choice, pro-tobacco, pro-Koch brothers VP he could find to be in charge of policy. I'm sure this is going to be great. Again.
Dems the Breaks
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is toast. Hillary Clinton becomes the second Democrat in a generation to win the popular vote (despite valiant efforts to repress the vote) and lose in the Electoral College because the electorate has been gerrymandered into absurdity. The only reason Obama won in 2008 was the absolute devastation the Bush/Cheney regime rained down upon this country. Oh and maybe that Sarah Palin thing. Republican’ts blow the place up time after time and they just get stronger: government shutdowns, filibusters, and perpetual obstruction – they repeatedly voted against their own legislation once Obama embraced it – and that is just on the political side. They enabled economic chaos, international chaos, racial chaos, electoral chaos. Dems keep trying to act like adults when clearly much of Amerika does not respect adult behavior in the least. And now the Amerikan electorate has tantrummed a walking hissy fit with the temperament of a five-year-old into the highest office in the land. The Republican’ts gain traction by throwing legislative tantrums – a match made in…wherever.
So we “owe him an open mind and a chance to lead” as Hillary Clinton suggested? Bullshit. You mean like Mitch McConnell and the entire Republican’t party did for Barack Obama when he was elected – by both the popular and electoral vote? Bullshit. You mean like Al Gore did after the Supreme Court stole the presidency from him? How did that work out? I can’t remember. You mean like Gerald Ford healed the nation by pardoning Nixon? Did he mean heeled? Sometimes you just have to go Mario Savio on their asses. I am quite aware that what I am suggesting is a vicious circle but I really don’t think Progressives should be the ones to blink. We already have two swollen-shut black eyes, which makes blinking painful anyway. Enough with the fucking blinking already. Screw Hillary Clinton’s message of civility. That trick never works. Amerikans only respect macho bluster. And results.

An Oldie But a Goodie

Anti-Chrump march in Philadelphia…

in Portland, Oregon…

in New York City…

in Memphis, Tennessee
Hold onto your…whatever folks. The new first family with the Stepford wife and daughter, the Boys-From-Brazil sons, poised to be Daddy’s Little Helpers in running the newest family business, makes the Addams Family look like the Brady Bunch. They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and hooky, they’re altogether spooky – the Chrump Family. And Gomez ain’t got nothing on his freaky counterpart. At least Gomez only blew up model trains. We can now only wait for and try not to imagine what Chrump might decide to blow up. I am confident that Amerika, Inc., a subsidiary of the Chrump Organization will go public very soon. Big league. Just don’t ask to look at their books.

Which family is moving into the White House?
How Tweet It Is
This is autocratic asshole he really is…
This is the thoughtful presidentialist his handlers want us to think he is…
Chrump is nothing but a phony phuck. How long before Hair Chrump starts suing protesters for being “very unfair” or simply outlaws protests because he says they are the ones stopping Amerika from being great again? Seeing as Chrump has been in constant contact with the Russians during his campaign, could it be he is getting leaderly advice from his pal Vlad? Remember when Sarah Palin went apeshit over Obama “palling around with terrorists” because he knew Bill Ayers decades earlier? Me neither. Little Donnie Douchebag got into bed with the Russians to win a presidential election…now. Maybe it wasn’t a big deal since the FBI was working toward the same end and the media was too busy drooling over spoon-fed stories about Clinton’s emails to be bothered with a presidential candidate, who has been openly dreamy-eyed over Vladimir Putin and has known ties to Russian money, colluding with the Russians. A Russian diplomat has stated publicly that the Chrump campaign had been in contact with Moscow during the campaign. The Amerikan media couldn’t even get this conman to show his taxes; I guess he never emailed them to his accountant.
Spotted on the internets: When Barry Met Silly
According to Reince Priebus we can rest assured that, “Donald Trump is taking this very seriously…” Listen, momentary lapses into heavily-coached adult-like behavior does not make one an adult. If I went round saying I was presidential just because I managed to not insult everyone I came into contact with for a few days or promised to stop grabbin’ pussy I’d be locked up. If I told you that not being able to make my taxes public because of extensive business entanglements with the Russians, not paying any taxes for decades and four bankruptcies qualifies me to run the largest economy in history you’d put me away. Just because the Electoral College made you president doesn’t erase most of 70 years and 146 days’ worth of asinine, irresponsible, dishonest, racist behavior. However, the goldfish-like memory of much of the Amerikan public just might do the trick.

I. Mangrey reporting. My motto: To protest and serve.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

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