Saturday, November 12, 2016

Still Plenty Berned Up

I’m a Little Post-Occupied

Home, Home on the Rage
November 11, 2016
As we ponder the nauseating horror of the impending Chrump presidency, we must take where we can. Let us not forget the very real and pleasantly surprising Bernie Sanders phenomenon. If not for the Democratic Party machine running interference at every moment, we might have seen Sanders v. Chrump, but that’s politics. And the party honchos got what they paid for. In all the confusion, between trying to convince ourselves that Hillary Clinton was more Occupy than Wall Street, and trying desperately to avoid what we now face head-on: a Donald Chrump presidency, we might be excused for having lost sight of what Bernie has energized – a truly progressive movement. A movement rekindled by Occupy Wall Street. Occupy made a beautiful noise and then faded from view after exploding onto the scene in 2011. But Occupy did not go away. They quietly helped many people keep their houses from being stolen by the banks. Occupy empowered many smart, motivated young people to become and remain politically active and opened the door for Bernie Sanders’ historic candidacy. The Sanders phase of the movement is not going away either, just because it had to hold its nose and support Clinton. Thousands of people marching in dozens of cities every day since the election make it clear that The 99% are not just rolling over after getting pooched by the Russians, the FBI and the Democratic Party old guard. Plans are in the works for a Million Woman March on Inauguration Day in DC. We will not succumb to the Orange Gas Cloud so easily.

Bernie Sanders was the Democrats’ change candidate, the only one fighting for the environment and much stronger than Clinton on minimum wage increase, strengthening unions, reining in corporate thievery, taxing those who can easily afford to help out, protecting Social Security and Medicare, better trade deals, etc. Bernie’s platform was disingenuously co-opted by the Clinton campaign in order to siphon off the enthusiasm Sanders generated all across the country. Chrump is poised to declare open warfare on the environment – with the one exception of the singular place on Earth where he insists climate change is real – off the coast of Scotland where rising sea levels threaten his despicable golf course and where Chrump is pushing for a wall to keep out the ocean. Hmmmmm, where have I heard that song before? Bernie Sanders made Clinton realize she had to pretend much more vigorously to be pro-environment, but I guess Bernie didn’t count on the fact that so many Amerikans think the environment is a communist plot, or maybe a hoax perpetrated by aliens. We will have to wait and see on that one. I wonder how many Chrump supporters have been abducted by aliens at one time or another.
Bernie was able to help Americans realize how much they actually like Socialism. And we really do like our American socialism. But clearly many of our fellow citizens prefer dictatorships. These same people don’t realize that they are benefitting greatly from socialist programs. Let’s see how they like it after they find out that they pulled the rug out from under their own feet. This country has elected someone who sold himself as a purveyor of hatred and ignorance. Chrump has brought Amerika to the point where we have the German chancellor saying, “The election campaign this year was a particular one with some confrontations that were difficult to stomach. Germany and America are connected by values: democracy, freedom and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or political views.” Just so we’re clear: Germany – yes, that Germany – is telling the United States to get right with social equality and lighten up on all the hatred. Chrump has made it abundantly clear that he stands for exactly none of what Angela Merkel – the woman who leads Germany – spelled out. Until proven otherwise I will be taking Chrump at his constant, consistent and unambiguous word. I’m a glass half fucked kind of guy.
I. Mangrey reporting. How are you feeling?
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

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