Friday, November 11, 2016

I’m With Someone Else

Time To Have a Serious Deny-alogue

Somewhere Over the Painbow
November 10, 2016

Inspired by the raging success of the climate change deniers I am excited to announce a new movement for our time. And by new I mean it has been around forever and seemingly beaten to death, but for our purposes, let’s call it new. As you know the scientific community is all but unanimous as regards the existence of and human contribution to global climate change, which will be less than kind to the humans who insist on accelerating it along with anyone else that happens to inhabit the same planet they do. Many Amerikans remain completely unwilling to buy into a bunch of theories cooked up by bunch of so-called scientists. They know more than all the scientists. And they will be able to prove their point very soon and they will do it with great vigor and ease. Some of us have other fish to fry before we ourselves become fried fish.
I am talking about the Chrump/Republican’t Election Denial (CRED) Movement. This is a movement whose time has come. It is time for many people to say that the 2016 election was nothing more than a hoax perpetrated by the Russians; the Chinese were too busy with their climate hoax to get involved, though the FBI managed to provide considerable assistance. Chrump will show those Chinese who is boss by appointing a rabid climate denier to head the EPA…until he can abolish the agency altogether. Now that we have elected a bowel moment as president it is time to take them out of our asses and stick our heads in the sand where they belong. Despite the Tsunami of TsupidTM that swamped the ship of state, the CRED Movement can bring a powerful, albeit totally devoid of factual evidence, voice to the conversation now rampaging across Amerika. This is after all the essence of Amerikan dialogue. If at first you don’t succeed deny, deny again. The first (if you deny at least two other probable arrivals to our shores prior to the one we prefer to use for our denial-laden story) illegal aliens on this land started out by denying that the people who just happened to be living on this continent had any value or meaning or rights whatsoever and waltzed right in. Yes, I’m aware that the waltz had yet to be invented, but who cares. With the mighty force of the CRED Movement behind me, if I say we waltzed then that is in “fact” what happened. Then we denied that the slaves upon whose raped, tortured and murdered backs we were building this nation were people. Sure, we made that work for some for quite a while, but eventually we had to almost sort of acknowledge that maybe it wasn’t the best thing to have done…but those days are fading fast. More recently we denied that George W. Bush was not actually elected in 2000, but instead appointed illegitimately by the Supreme Court despite losing both the popular and the electoral vote. Then we denied that waterboarding was torture. Many flaming f*#kwits (particularly the guy who was just hoaxed into office) spent the last eight years denying that our current president was, a) born in this country, and b) our duly elected president. Now many are denying once again that the candidate getting the most votes from the most Americans won the election. Many are denying that the president-elect began his presidential bid years ago by levelling a racist attack against Amerika's first black president, officially kicked off his campaign by calling most Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, demanded a total ban on Muslims entering Amerika, disrespected veterans repeatedly, mocked the handicapped and Native Americans, assaulted an unknown number of women, enabled racists to come out of the gun cabinet and spent most of his 70 years on Earth lying, cheating and stealing. What a country!
For once I can agree with Hair Chrump
Denial baby! Hey, it’s worth a fucking shot. If nothing else denial is an accepted stage in the grieving process as laid out by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross – in fact it is the first stage (followed by anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance). So I think I am on pretty solid footing here. I also propose a slight modification to the Kübler-Ross model as follows:
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. More anger
5. Depression
6. Angrier anger
7. Kicking ass
I hope you will join the movement. You don’t have to abide by all the steps…you can just deny ever having seen them. I know it seems like a lot of work, but if you want to make a revolution you have to break a few legs. (I never said that.)
I. Mangrey building CRED. You didn’t hear it from me.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA
R.I.P. Leonard Cohen


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