Saturday, November 19, 2016

Grave New World

It's All Going According to Off The Top of His Head

November 17, 2016

From a Fox interview in 2015:
Q: Would you cut departments?
CHRUMP: ...Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations.
Q: Who's going to protect the environment?
CHRUMP: We'll be fine with the environment. We can leave a little bit, but you can't destroy businesses.
Yes by all means let us “leave a little bit” of the environment. I suppose we hear this kind of talk because according to Hair Chrump the environment is a Chinese hoax. You remember China, that’s the place where Chrump has all his wine, steaks, ties, shirts and other crap he has been trying to sell you made. It is where he gets absolutely everything to build and outfit his towers. Chrump will be the only global leader not to recognize the threat of climate change. China is urging Chrump not to back out of the Paris climate agreement. China, about whom Chrump said, “We can't continue to allow China to rape our country.” Apparently you can rape Mother Nature as long as you don’t mess with Father Business. Two thirds of Americans are concerned about global climate change. Is it possible Chrump is angry at Amerika and has won the electoral vote in order to teach us all a lesson?

More recently during a 60 Minutes interview taped November 11th the man who is obsessed with anything having to do with himself claimed to be surprised to learn from Leslie Stahl that some of his supporters marked his victory and their territory by committing hate crimes against people Chrump demonized throughout his campaign. Perhaps his response was not quite as eloquent as Barack Obama’s 37 minute long ‘A More Perfect Union’ speech, which touched on similar issues in March of 2008 when Chrump told Stahl, “I am very surprised to hear that – I hate to hear that, I mean I hate to hear that. But I think it’s a very small amount.” Yes, a small amount. I wonder if that would be more or less than the “little bit” of the environment he intends to leave un-raped. When Stahl asked if he had a message for the perpetrators Chrump added, “I would say don't do it, that's terrible, because I'm going to bring this country together.* I am so saddened to hear that. And I say, ‘Stop it.’ If it—if it helps. I will say this, and I will say right to the cameras: ‘Stop it.’” Well, I guess that clears that up.
*As proof of his bringing togetherness he immediately offered up racists Stephen Bannon as his chief advisor and Jeff Sessions for attorney general. And David Clarke for Homeland Security.
Topping Chrump’s list for head of Homeland Security is Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. You wouldn’t know it to look at him, but he is considerably less than fond of African Americans. Clarke is the Clarence Thomas of law enforcement with one big exception: he won’t keep his damn mouth shut.
Who can argue with an Amerikan’s right to peaceably assemble?

Apparently this ignorant fascist.
A concerned citizen speaks out about Obama winning the electoral vote and Romney winning the popular vote in 2012:
I wonder what Sheriff Clarke thinks about this guy.
PS. Romney lost the popular vote by 5 million
Amerika’s angriest sheriff was upset that people were protesting Chrump’s electoral college victory, having lost the popular vote by close to 2 million votes – a larger margin that that enjoyed by Al Gore, Richard Nixon or John Kennedy. Meanwhile some of Chrump’s sore winners have orchestrated over 400 (and counting) documented incidents of either hate related program activities or actual hate crimes since Chrump won the electoral vote, including a Tampa Bay area high school teacher and golf coach who was placed on leave after he allegedly threatened black students by saying, "Don't make me call Donald Trump and get you sent back to Africa." According to one student's father, "He actually admitted saying it. He said it was just an off the wall comment and wasn't meant to be racist.” Of course not, it was a pun. In Sarasota an elderly man with pro-LGBT bumper stickers was followed and ultimately pulled out of his car and beaten by a man who kept saying, “You know my new president says we can kill all you faggots now.” I have a feeling Hair Chrump’s touching plea to ‘stop it’ might not be having the impact he had “hoped” on all the people who he encouraged to commit acts of violence against anyone they don’t like. Apparently they did not get the memo in Florida. At least Chrump can look at himself in the mirror knowing that he did everything he could. Just as with Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” no one will forget where they were when they heard Chrump’s moving “Stop It” speech.
A subsidiary of the Chrump Organization
Noam Chomsky says, “[The Republican Party] has become the most dangerous organization in world history. The Party is dedicated to racing as rapidly as possible to destruction of organized human life. There is no historical precedent for such a stand.” There, I feel better already. At least I know I was right about Chrump and the Republican’ts. I deserve a lot of credit for that. If there is ever a safe distance from which to view this election, I suspect it will make the Brexit vote look like the Magna Carta. I’m sure one day we will all look back on Chrump’s electoral victory and so-called presidency and vomit until we die of dehydration.

"Can you believe this shit?"
I. Mangrey reporting. Resistance is futile. But necessary.
                      If you see something call the Chrump hotline: 555-382-5YOU

Tune in next time
…when you’ll hear managing editor Ed Venture, upon learning that Ben Carson’s spokesperson told reporters, "Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency," screams “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh What the fuck is wrong with these people? Carson knows he’s too unqualified to run a federal agency for a guy with the same unmitigated lack of experience, but not too unqualified to run the entire government?” loud enough for the entire world to hear.

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