Thursday, November 17, 2016

Talking Smack to Power

Never Say Chrump

All Over the Place
November 17, 2017


I know it may be unfair and/or too depressing to bring this up, but as all the votes are finally tallied it appears that Hillary Clinton will have won the popular (well, apparently it’s not that popular) vote by over two million votes. Her total vote tally puts her in second place all-time just behind Barrack Obama. Remember him? All this despite gutting the Voting Rights Act, Herculean votersuppression, billions of dollars of free campaign advertising courtesy of corporate media and who knows how much voting machine shenanigans. And why is it that exit polls don't match actual voting only when Republican'ts win?

Don’t Mourn (or pay federal taxes)…Organize
Maybe we have a way of making some serious trouble for these tax haters. As Dear Leader-Elect told us about not paying taxes, “That makes me smart.” Perhaps we should show these people how smart we are. What this county needs is a seven-cent nickle…I mean a good old-fashioned tax strike. Since many of us are too old, too busy, too strapped for cash or farther from the nearest protest than from the nearest women’s health clinic to march in the streets, let’s start by emulating Hair Chrump and stop paying federal taxes. It makes you smart. And maybe one day you can run for president and not release your taxes to the public of whom you wish to be a servant.
Half of the government tries to run social programs while the other half works every minute to ruin them. One side has been sabotaging everything from voting rights to women’s rights, to marriage equality, from Social Security and health care equality, to economic equality and then yellling, “We told you so,” when nothing seems to work. Long ago they were called Democrats, now they are Republican’ts, and no my friends you are not the party of Lincoln, or Eisenhower. You are not even the party of Ronald Reagan. You are the party of Jefferson Davis and Joseph McCarthy and Strom Thurmon and David Duke and Rush Limbaugh and Steve Bannon and now Donald Fucking Chrump. We can’t really know how well government-run programs might work when the right hand keeps bashing the left hand with a hammer. It’s time for the left hand to grab the damned hammer away…for starters.
Chrump is the poster boy for conflict-of-interest. Has anyone figured out how many millions he paid his business (to use his own plane, stay at his own hotels, etc.) out of his campaign contributions? Besides being up to his swolen eyeballs in debt to Russians, Chinese and who knows who else, he has investments in the Keystone Pipeline. Speaking of pipeline, Chrump still has to answer for his sexual assault scandal. He called his accusers liars, which apparently carries possible legal consequences from which neither presidents nor presidents-elect are exempt. Funny story about that. There happens to be legal precident consequent to another sexual harassment scandal. A landmark 1997 United States Supreme Court case established that a sitting President of the United States has no immunity from civil law litigation against him or her [in our dreams], for acts done before taking office and unrelated to the office. That case was known as Clinton v. Jones.
Killing Without Kindness
Donald Chrump cannot learn anything new. Everything he hears comes either from the insane narcissist in his head, or Steve Bannon, the sociopath/architect who built Chrump Candidate. For example Kellyanne Conway – the mouth that whored – chided Harry Reid for saying, “If this is going to be a time of healing, we must first put the responsibility for healing where it belongs: at the feet of Donald Trump, a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and fueled his campaign with bigotry and hate. Winning the electoral college does not absolve Trump of the grave sins he committed against millions of Americans. Donald Trump may not possess the capacity to assuage those fears, but he owes it to this nation to try.” Conway told Chris Wallace, “I’m calling for responsibility and maturity and decency [from Harry Reid]. I hope President Obama calls Harry Reid today and says cut it out.” That is a special talent. Of all the things to ask of someone else – responsibility and maturity and decency – are definitely not things anyone associated with Chrump should dare to even mention.
Paul RyAynRand
Paul RyAynRand said that Ayn Rand’s philosophy was “the reason I got involved in public service.” He required every member of his staff to read Atlas Shrugged two years before becoming Romney’s running mate and saying he “rejects her philosopy.” RyAynRand aswered Jake Tappers question about all the hate “incidents” occurring since Chump’s election victory with, “That's terrible. By the way, that's not Republicans. We are the party of Lincoln. People who espouse those views, they're not Republicans. We don't want them in our party even if they're thinking about it. And I'm confident Donald Trump feels the same way.” AYFKM Pardon the facts Mr. Speaker, but you cannot not want them in your party, especially after all the support they gave your candidate. They are a vital organ of the Republican’t body politic. In fact at this point they are probably your frontal lobe. And fuck you for trying to weasel your way out of it.
John Oliver, October 9, 2014
Coming awfully close to perpetrating a hate crime himself, RyAynRand immediately floated his plan to eliminate Medicare and Medicaid because Obamacare. He failed to mention that thanks to him and his ‘party of Lincoln’ (someone should ask Mr. Lincoln how he feels about that) Medicare and Medicaid cannot negotiate prescription drug prices, which places a huge financial burden on these programs and the people they serve so well. Who does this benefit exactly? Could it be…Satan…I mean the giant bloodsucking pharmaceutical corporations? These people are shameless. Also RyAynRand received Social Security at the age of 16, which helped him to help him pay for college. But no Social Security for you.
The only good news right now is that Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead…though his spirit lives on.
I. Mangrey reporting. Thank you for your nervous.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

1 comment:

  1. Something very very very very very bad is going to happen.
