Thursday, November 3, 2016


The Other Climate Change

November 3, 2016
There had been much* talk about climate change – despite unrelenting denial of its existence by many Americans – until the dawn of the 2016 presidential race plunged us into the Chrump Age of the Cenozoic Era. None alive at this time can remember exactly when the Chrump Age officially began, but now – like it or not – absolutely everyone knows they are in it up to their eyeballs and its end is nowhere in sight. We now find ourselves witnessing or denying, depending on whether one’s head is or is not resting comfortably within the confines of one’s anal cavity, a toxic change in another climate. The emotional equivalent of stepping in dog shit in your bare feet, living during the Chrump Age has generated a Tsunami of Tstupid® the likes of which has never been seen either in recorded history or the fossil record.
Chrump humps flag: “Where the hell is the pussy on this thing?”
The change in the social/political climate in America (and much of the “civilized” world for that matter) epitomized by Don Chrump is a watershed moment in human social evolution. Prior to the Chrump Age history reveals a steady, albeit painstakingly slow, decrease in ignorance and hatred – at least in the absence of government propaganda, which consistently fosters fear, hatred and war. Over the millennia your average Joe Caveman gradually began to realize that we all have more in common with one another than not. Some even came to understand that we are part of a vast network known as Planet Earth. But this kind of behavior, this inclusivism is day by Chrumpy day giving way to something very different. Take me for example, I used to be a calm, pleasant, friendly person. Now I’m constantly frothing at the mouth, frothing at the whatever. I feel like I’m this close to spontaneously combusting.
Chrump-Magnon Man
Thanks to Chrump the worst of human behavior need no longer hide itself in shame. Racism, nationalism, white supremacy, homophobia, anti-Semitism, misogyny you name it, need no longer lurk in the shadows. A presidential candidate, who thinks he is the star of a (s)hit reality show is aiding and abetting the popularization of the return to caveman thinking. Hate levels are already amping up, and just like the CO2 level is reaching a tipping point in the other climate problem, a point of no return is possible. Chrump – the idiot bastard candidate – who has to remind himself out loud, at his own rallies to “stay on point Donald, stay on point…No sidetracks Donald, nice and easy”, is just trying to make it simple for his followers: If they disagree with us, they are simply wrong and should be beaten down. And his minions love it. They are simple folk after all. It remains to be seen whether it is better to keep these folks hidden or exposed. It’s not like they came out of nowhere; they are part of the very fabric of this nation. It’s just that they were seeming more like a loose thread that could be trimmed neatly off. Instead they are seeming more and more like the annoying little thread you pull on and accidentally unravel the entire garment. Next thing you know we are all just walking around grunting and scratching our heads…and our whatevers. You know, like Chrump.
Chrump finally nails down the endorsement of a newspaper
No matter what the result is on Election Day we are likely to suffer the consequences of the Orange Onslaught for a long time to come. The Tsunami of Tstupid® is already overflowing the levees of logic as more people get the impression that these hateful behaviors are perfectly acceptable, and say to themselves, “Hey, what the heck, everyone else is doing it, I guess it’s okay.” Yes I know this is the same argument many of these same people put forth regarding sexual preferences they disagree with; they cower and fret that if people are exposed to the various sexual orientations everyone will start believing these not-strictly-one-man-one-woman “deviants” are acceptable members of society. Many people are saying that this is a false equivalency since one side embodies people who just want to be allowed to live their lives as they understand them, while the other embodies people who will not accept anyone who is different and would gladly shoot you in the face or the back if it didn’t carry the risk of going to jail. I’m sure nobody within the sight of my voice is unsure of the difference and it is entirely possible that I only brought in the sex analogy so I could say, in full context and in no way gratuitously, we are supremely fucked. Whatever happened to foreplay?
*When I say “much” I mean incredibly little, but more than none, and if not for the likes of Bernie Sanders it would never have come up at all.
I. Mangrey, frothing at the fingertips.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

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