Thursday, April 6, 2017

Is This the America We Deserve?

Inquiring Non-Chrump Voters Want To Know

April 6, 2017
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.
                    H. L. Mencken
The above quotes by Mencken have never been more ominously applicable. Some thought that the first one had reached its most depressing accuracy after the Supreme Court appointment and subsequent 2004 election of George W. Bush. No one (hopefully) can outdo Don Chrump in personifying the second quote. He has mastered the art of convincing himself that everything is dead simple, that he knows more than any expert in any field of endeavor and that he is incapable of erring.  

There is another interesting quote, this one from the 2000 book bearing Crump’s face and name –The America We Deserve: “I’m a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses. We must have universal healthcare…We need, as a nation, to re-examine the single-payer plan as many individual states are doing.” It would be foolish to imagine, let alone assume, that these are Chrump’s words. They might reflect something he thought, and he did say, while on the campaign trail that he intended for everyone to have health insurance. So why did he turn into/play the part of the typical healthcare-for-nobody Republican’t once he took the White House? Weak-minded? Just plain stupid? Evil? Who can tell?
Internecine Internets
The delusional douchebag who decided, based on conspiracy perveyors and the geniuses on Fux and Friends – one of Chrump’s most frequently watched and most heavily relied upon for policy decisions – that he had been spied on by Obama, has signed into law the ability of corporations to sell every single bit of your personal information. Obama had signed an order allowing American citizens to have the final say in what happens to their personal information on the internet. Is this Little Donald’s way of getting revenge for the imagined wiretapping he insists he suffered at the hands of his predecessor? Does he even know what the internet is? An ISP? Personal information other than his own?
One poll shows that 11% of Americans think this is a good idea while 74% think otherwise. In fairness to Der Furor, this insanely anti-Fourth Amendment* legislation that serves only corporations, landed on his desk because the Republican’t party put it there. It passed the House and Senate along fairly strict party lines. So I assume they will have easy access to my telling them, on the internets, to “Go fuck yourselves.” Apparently Hair Chrump signed this one in his bathroom because he did not make his usual show-and-tell signing. I assume there are no cameras in his bathroom, but that is not necessarily a bet I would take.
Craig Aron, CEO of the advocacy group Free Press had this to say, "It's shocking that of all the challenges facing this country the Trump administration would prioritize taking away people's privacy…There is literally no public support for this bill. Its only advocates are the nation's biggest phone, cable and Internet companies. There's no longer any question — if there ever was — whose needs this administration intends to serve. But people everywhere are on high alert to the serious threat to the free and open Internet. And they will fight back."
Political pundit/comedian Stephen Colbert added, “I guarantee you there is not one person, not one voter of any political stripe anywhere in America who asked for this. No one in America stood up in a town hall and said, ‘Sir, I demand you let somebody else make money off my shameful desires. Maybe blackmail me someday.’”
*The loophole here, I suppose, is that it is not the government illegally searching and seizing, it is merely Verizon, Comcast and the like.

Speaking of Being Deserving
Chrump’s approval rating, which we have reported as being on suicide watch for some time now, has apparently made its first attempt at taking its own life. We first reported on our suspicions that there was danger afoot came when his approval rating was 38%. It has reached a new low (or level of unparalleled excellence depending on how you look at it). Chrump’s approval is now looking up at 35% in recent polling. I have to admit to being somewhat skeptical, not to mention disappointed. How the hell does 34% of this country still think this guy is even a mammal? Hopefully, Chrump will be able to sustain his current level of amazing winning and his approval rating will have better luck next time. Perhaps another go at killing Obamacare? More tweets about winning the Electoral College? Maybe some dick-pics? I am rooting for you Don. Don’t let me down. Asshole…I’m sorry, alt-president Asshole.

Unfortunately, the majority of us, those who were not taken in by the Huckster-in-chief's presidential scampaign, have little choice but to find a way to survive the America his supporters deserve. May God have mercy on our souls.
I. Mangrey reporting. A Rant's as Good as a Wink.                                      

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