Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Bye, Bye Bully

Journalism Is Not Dead, But Bill O’Reilly’s Career Is

The No No Spin Zone
April 19, 2017
As you probably know, Don Chrump came the defense of one Bill O’Lielly after his repeated sexual harassment escapades came into view once again. Chrump said, ”I think he’s a good person. I think he may – you know I think he shouldn’t have settled. Personally, I think he shouldn’t have settled. Because you should have taken it all the way. No, I know Bill. Bills a good person…I don’t think Bill would do anything wrong.” This of course begs the question: Does he think Bill would not do anything wrong because he is a good person (which seems extremely unlikely) or because (as we know for a fact) Chrump does not believe that sexual harassment is wrong?
We now know that Chrump’s sexually assaultive buddy’s sudden/long-planned vacation will be lasting quite a bit longer than he was expecting. He will no longer be defiling the airwaves over at FUX News. The newsmusement veteran and star of then not-yet-Senator Al Franken’s 2003 bestseller LIES And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them has sexually harassed his last FUX News employee – at least as a FUX employee himself. Even having the Pussy-grabber-in-chief publicly and unbelievably standing up for him could not save O’Lielly’s job.
Murdoch did not seem to mind all the accusations, allegations and reparations – at least $15M paid in hush money and written off as income to the payees. Fair, balanced and criminal. The only person who settles out of court more than Big Bad Bill is good old Chrump himself. Please do not mistake this long overdue dismissal for Rupert Murdoch doing the right thing – that is as unlikely as Don Chrump making a good deal. This is all about the dollars. The network finally realized that Bill is harassing their bottom line. That, and perhaps the fact that his key demographic is between 85 and hospice. Now we shall see if they get the message that things need to change at FUX before sponsors start abandoning the entire network. I think Rupert should stand his ground. As for Chrump and O'Lielly, both continue to deny any wrongdoing. Also, I am likely to become the next Pope.
Not that I paid much attention, but good-bye to bad rubbish.
As for Bill, he will have to find another way to meet and abuse women. I wish him hell.
I. Mangrey reporting. And laughing long and loud.


  1. Between 85 and hospice? For Falafel Bill? Hell no. I know many an old bastard who can't stand the Precedent. You take that back, you person-with-no-real-first-name. I believe your name is Igor. So there.

    1. As I's boss I can assure you that his name is not Igor. Neither is it Igor. I know this because I am, at this very moment eating the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake you have ever seen. So where? Iraq? Syria? Cleveland? Ed
