Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Beguiles and Tribulations

Cheaters Ever Prosper

December 10, 2019

So, it comes down to this.  All the evidence that managed to squeeze through the anti-president’s wall of obstruction clearly shows that Chrump demands to be impeached.  Donald Chrump has done everything in his power to cheat in the 2020 election.  Not just cheat, but to outsource his cheating to Russia, Ukraine and China (that we know of). 
Chrump is at his core, a cheat.  His cheating in golf and business prior to his ill-gotten election victory are well documented.  He cheated by hiring countless undocumented workers at all of his properties.  He cheated by excluding people of color from living in his properties.  He cheated contractors by not paying them for work they did for him.  He cheated suckers who enrolled in the now-shuttered-due-to-fraud Chrump University.  He cheated by hiring numerous Russian operatives within his own campaign (Manfort, Flynn, and others) and inviting Russia itself to criminally interfere in the 2016 election.  Chrump is nothing but a liar, a thug and a cheat – not necessarily in that order.  And those are some of his less despicable traits. 
Two pigs in a pod
The House Judiciary Committee has laid out the actual facts, well the Democrats did.  The Republican’ts desperately flung their alterative-fact-feces at the walls of the chamber in a last-ditch effort to obscure reality from their anti-reality base.  A dozen decorated, career diplomats testified under oath that the behavior they witnessed by their commander-in-chief was distasteful, unprecedented and, as far they understood, illegal.  The defendant, Donald Chrump has been in perpetual tantrum mode, decrying the impeachment process, the rule of law and the Constitution in order to keep his minions mired in lies, stupidity and pathetic fealty.  While screaming that the process was rigged and that he was not allowed due process, his answer was to simply continue his criminal activity, his obstruction, and then to refuse to present any evidence contrary to all the damning evidence that has been offered against him.  Chrump's defense seems to be, “Democrats are poop-heads.  I’m in charge here.”  What a bunch of, dare I say, malarkey.

I. Mangrey reporting. 

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