Tuesday, December 17, 2019

HIstory In The Breaking

The Eve of Impeachment

December 17, 2019 

I have a question for half of America: What the hell is wrong with you?  Anyone who questions the fact that Chrump’s alleged, though thoroughly proven and confessed crimes against America and democracy itself, is purposefully ignorant.  The fact that Fux News refuses to acknowledge the facts that first-hand witnesses testified to under oath, while Donald Chrump forbade anyone in his administration from testifying (Guilty much?), and the fact that the only strategy House Republican’ts had was to talk very louder and very fast, does not change the reality of the situation.

Also, no one, not one single person has, with any proof whatsoever, refuted any of the charges against Donald Chrump.  Some contend that what Chrump did by bribing the president of Ukraine, and withholding Congressionally-approved funds for Ukraine was entirely legal.  They are wrong.
Fun Fact: despite all the relentless dissembling and alternative facts, a new Fux News poll found that 54 percent of Americans believe Chrump should be impeached and 50 percent think he should be impeached and removed.  First, I find it amazing that so many people seem to know what impeachment actually means.  Second, these numbers seem like a good start.
A sampling of Chrump’s irreparably infected, dangerously delusional minions
Half of this country stands ready to ignore fact, embrace fiction, and allow the life-long criminal Chrump to get away with everything.*  Let us remember that when sleazy Bill Clinton, after an exhaustive waste of time and money, over several years, in pursuit of forcing him out of office, was finally nailed for lying about a blow job, many Democrats stood against the president from their own party.  Today, after finally becoming unable to stand by and watch any more high crimes, misdemeanors and now over 15,000 lies in three years, and the most corrupt administration anyone has ever seen in this country, Democrats finally found impeachment an unavoidable, Constitutionally mandated action. 
Unlike the Democrats who had to admit that Clinton had in fact lied under oath about his dickish behavior, today’s Republican’ts are more than willing to lie to themselves and the nation they pretend to serve.  They appear poised to swallow our pride, ignore the facts, and the clear and present danger Donald Chrump poses to the Constitution and this nation.  Many of today’s Democrats agonized over the decision to move forward with impeachment; a few continue to oppose it.  Five House Dems decided that the Constitution was more important than their political fortunes, risking re-election in favor of doing what is right, which apparently only happens on the Left.  Only one single Republican’t called for Chrump’s impeachment and had to leave his party.  Republican’ts will not choose the path of honor, of fulfilling their oath of office, or of any modicum of honesty.  They will instead turn a blind eye, a damaged brain and a non-existent heart to what they all know are Chrump’s impeachable actions. 
Yeah, schmuck, you did “have sexual relations with that woman.”
Democrats could and should have brought close to a dozen articles of impeachment against this pathetic excuse for a leader.  Chrump and his hench-maggots continue to pursue the one delineated abuse of power now on the table as Article One of the two articles of impeachment. 
They call Chrump “Teflon Don,” which is more apt than most realize.  The common wisdom is the moniker signifies the way nothing seems to stick to him.  The recently released movie Dark Waters reminds us that Teflon had other magic powers.  Dupont’s miracle cooking technology not only repelled all manner of foods, but cancer stuck to it, to take a mildewed page out of Chrump’s book, “like a bitch.”  So, when you think about Teflon Don, know that while it seems nothing sticks to him, he is at the same time, like Teflon, killing us in unseen ways.  Dupont was ultimately held somewhat responsible for their murderous greed – they knew the stuff was seriously toxic, just like Exxon knew back in the ‘70s that they were killing all of us with their petroleum pollution, and hid that knowledge in order to poison all of us and pad their already overflowing wallets.
Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will debate and possibly vote to impeach the motherfucker Donald Chrump already.  It remains possible that Republican’ts will again try to stall the proceedings with their bullshit-scented hot air.  They might however stand down having been assured that their counterparts in the Senate are prepared to jettison any pretense of democracy and trash the Senate impeachment trial.  The top two Republican'ts have declared ahead of time that they have no intention of having a trial and plan to sweep this well-deserved impeachment under the Oval Office carpet. 
Chrump seems content riding his Teflon reputation until someone or something stops him.  It will not be Republican’ts.  It will not be McConnell’s Supreme Court.  Will the cancer Chrump has been pumping into America’s bloodstream rub off on him?  Only time will tell.  If his un-presidency does survive until the 2020 election, he must be excised from the body politic, or the great experiment begun in 1776 will have to start from scratch.  Unfortunately, trying to scratch through Teflon is almost impossible.  Plus, it causes cancer.
*Although, he did not get away with his phony Chrump University, or his fake Chrump Foundation – coughing up (not nearly enough) millions in court-ordered settlements.  Plus the hundreds of thousands he paid porn stars to keep them from talking about his affairs with them.

I. Mangrey regurgitating. 
Barry McGuire – Eve of Impeachment Destruction

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