Friday, December 20, 2019

Abuse of Power - The Republican’t Brand

Remove The Mother Fucker(s) Already

December 20, 2019

The motherfucker Donald Trump has already been impeached, but it will not be easy to overcome the senators of the radical regressive white male party formerly known as the party of Lincoln, then the party of Nixon, then the party of Reagan and now – and hopefully for a very long time – the mouldering Republican’t party of Donald Trump.  The GOP – Grouchy Old Palefaces.  There is one other pasty-faced motherfucker that needs to be removed.  Impeached-president Donald Trump is horrifying in his way, but he is a doofus, a conman and a puppet.  He is Putin’s puppet and he is a puppet of those who created, elevated and enabled him – the Republican’t Party.  That party’s leader, Mitch McConnell is a cancer on our democracy.  McConnel is vengeful, anti-democratic, megalomaniacal, and a crook in his own right, and he has been metastasizing for too long.  
It is understandable that Republican’ts do not recognize “abuse of power” as either high crime or misdemeanor.  Abuse of power is the Republican’t brand.  Republican’ts began their bromance with Vladimir Putin the moment Barack Obama became president.  They and their television talking heads began fawning over the Russian autocrat, calling him a strong leader, as opposed to Barack Obama.  Of course, one reason Republican’ts felt so comfortable taking Putin over Obama was, in a word, racism.  No time to mince words, the Republican’t Party is America’s White Wing.  Not all Republican’ts are racist, but all racists vote Republican’t.  Not all Republican’ts are Klan members, but all Klan members vote Republican’t.  Not all Republican’ts are white nationalists, but all white nationalists vote Republican’t.
Lindsey Graham went to the Kingdom of Qatar to announce to the world that he will be lying as he takes his special oath, the one that has him swear to be an impartial juror in the Constitutionally mandated impeachment trial of un-president Donald Chrump.  Graham’s colleague and all-around evil motherfucker Mitch McConnell stayed home and did his pre-emptive mea culpa on Chrump’s personal propaganda network during an “interview” with Chrump’s number one best bud and top advisor Sean Hannity.  What a great bunch of fascists.
It appears that Nancy Pelosi is in no hurry to send the Articles of Impeachment to the admittedly partisan Senate, where we have been told there will be no trial, merely an acquittal.  Some House Democrats have expressed their agreement with holding the articles from the Senate indefinitely.  Not that it matters, but I agree.  Why rush a good thing.  Let Trump wallow in his filth for a while.  Handing this pot-of-gold to McConnell will only serve his purposes.  Let him sweat for a while.  He wants this thing over and done as quickly as possible.  Fuck him.
Despite mountains of evidence that Impeached-president Trump committed impeachable offenses (only two of which were put forth as articles thereof).  The now-impeached-president, complained about the lack of due process during the impeachment inquiry in the House.  Trump abdicated due process by withholding every shred of documentation, by barring every member of his administration, and by refusing to make himself available.  An many have said, if anyone or anything existed that contradicted the charges and evidence against him, it would at the very least been all over Twitter.  There was nothing but obfuscation, obstruction and shouting from the party of Trump.
The “Hair” and the Tortoise
It seems clear that this nation cannot wrench itself out of the 19th Century until self-proclaimed Grim Reaper of the Senate Mitch McConnell finds his way into Dante’s Fourth Circle of history.  The people of Kentucky must find their souls and their brains and oust Moscow Mitch on November 3, 2020.  McConnell has already packed the federal courts with a gaggle of backwards looking, certifiably incompetent and very young judges who are likely to propel American society back to when racists, homophobes, misogynists and corporate whores roamed free and ruled the land.
I. Mangrey recoiling.   

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