Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Eyes Are Windows to The Soulless

Call The Next Witless to The Stand

December 4, 2019
Devin Nunes is the rank(ing) member of the House Intelligence Committee.  There is something about his eyes.  It is not a sparkle.  It is not a glimmer.  Nunes’s eyes give the impression that he is either emotionally dead inside or brain-dead inside, but he is (assuming he is not some sort of defective robot) in fact alive.  I do not have a problem with that, but I do have a problem with him skulking among the general population.  Devin Nunes belongs behind bars.  He was acting illegally during the Mueller investigation, making secret midnight runs to tell the subject of the investigation – Criminal-in-chief Donald Chrump – what Mueller was looking at.  This information was meant to be secret, especially from our anti-president.
Devin Numbnuts
Nunes, when he was not busy telling viewers of the impeachment hearings to change the channel or turn off the sound, or spouting insane conspiracy theories, or calling the committee chairman corrupt, was concealing a little something.  Hidden within Nunes’ alleged brain like the 220 pounds of trash discovered in the belly of a recently beached whale was not trash.  It was instead potentially (definitely) bombshell information that the committee might have found interesting.  Turns out Nunes needs to lawyer up and fast.

Side note: A group of Scottish marine researchers who autopsied on the juvenile sperm whale after its death Thursday morning called the massive cache of trash discovered inside the dead sea mammal both “stunning” and “shameful.”  They could just as easily have been talking about Nunes.
  Maybe it was an oversight.  Maybe Nunes forgot that he was a key figure in the very crime he was pretending to be investigating.  Maybe it was extremely cold and Nunes was suffering from severe shrinkage…of his already miniscule brain.  It could happen. 
Now it turns out that Nunes was up to his deer-in-the-headlights-eyeballs in the Ukraine debacle.  Recently disclosed phone records show that Nunes was in close contact with many of the Chrump/Giuliani international crime syndicate throughout the Ukraine shake-down episode, which apparently is ongoing.  Nunes was spending oodles of quality time on the phone with, among others, Giuliani and his now-indicted, currently-behind-bars-awaiting-trial “business” associate, Lev Parnas.  Parnas is now eager to cooperate with investigators, which might not be great news for all the other criminals in and around the White House.  Parnas, who looks to be about as bright as Devin Nunes, might turn out to be one of the less pathetically idiotic players in Chrump’s game of Dumbass.
Nunes should have recused himself from the entire process before day one, but that is not how Republican’ts do things.  They do not believe in democracy, or honesty, or due process or the Founding Fathers, or their damn Constitution.  Hold them to account.  Lock them up.  Vote them out.  Whatever it takes.  Or America is over.
Maybe the best Impeachment Season ever
I. Mangrey reporting.  Too much malarkey for me to be involved in.

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